

OBE这个雄心勃勃的MPS官员希望实现的“课程教程管理系统”,暂时暂停使用校委成员Tom Pajewski于12月16日听取OBE证词后表示:“我碰巧相信实施此程序完全灾难,

MPS政府热切想推进OBE工作, 教师对程序性质和Milwakee师资教育协会对实施方式的担忧促使校委指令和社区关系委员会在1月13日的会议上核准一项建议, 即“停止所有OBE行动,代理监理处理所有通信事务”。博士Faison计划在春末前把OBE带回董事会采取进一步行动

188博金宝网站官网At the December 16th hearing MTEA staff member Bob Anderson noted that "the procedure used by MPS in development of the curriculum did not include an opportunity for teachers to provide meaningful input." Bob Peterson, a fifth grade MPS teacher and associate editor of Rethinking Schools said that OBE rested on two implicit assumptions, "that students are empty containers and need to have knowledge poured into them," and "that teachers are really technicians and not professionals." He urged the School Board to adopt, in the place of OBE, "a curriculum that encourages staff to look at learning as an interactive process which starts with and validates the experience that children bring to school." School Board member Mary Bills thought that OBE rested on a "coverage mentality" which might rush children through the curriculum and asked, "Are we misconstruing uniformity for equity?" Lois Quinh, a former project coordinator of the Employment and Training Institute at UWM, argued that OBE could jeopardize the planned MPS transition to site-based management.向网站管理过渡非常重要 我们不应该通过授权全系统课程削弱成功...如果你支持网站管理并支持不同学校(网站管理)的教师,你可能会发现那些允许开发自己的课程和测量方法的教师会向你们展示方法与系统内许多其他儿童一起工作。”

部分发言者通过维护计划回应这些批评Fermin Burgos, principal at Kosciuszko Middle School, said ‘The purpose of the plan is to answer the question ‘What should students in the Milwaukee Public Schools be learning'… I think parents have a right to know what we are teaching their children, teachers have a right to know what they are expected to teach, and administrators have a right to know the content of the curriculum they are responsible and accountable for implementing." Assistant Superintendent Bill Larkin acknowledged a need to proceed a little bit more slowly, but defended the quality of the OBE process thus far and express confidence that Outcome Based Education could "increase the achievement of all students in this school system and reduce the achievement gap (between black and white students)." While noting that she had many questions.学校主管Doris Stacy表示拒绝OBE就是foolhardy

响应Pajewski的要求,学校管理局编制了OBE开支汇总这些数字显示,开发OBE课程相关费用(包括打印、工资和在职费用)总计929 376美元如果OBE继续工作,教师和中央办事处工作人员在规划过程的进一步工作很可能需要大量额外开支。Object基础教育计划由难以反制的势头驱动数千小时近100万美元用于开发多位教育评论家支持基于结果教育方法,MTEA决心维护教师决定时间和方式教试OBE目标并有意义地参与计划实施的权利,但MTEA没有对模型教学有效性提出质疑。联盟官员采取的立场是,州法授权在每个学区开发可测试顺序课程势必实现OBE校方对OBE的有力承诺显示, 临时延迟实施是一个令人鼓舞的信号,迄今提出的问题和批评突出了这些危险:

  1. 数量极多教学目标有可能压低课堂教师,把我们推向浅浅覆盖多题大规模类项目和创新教学将受到抑制,因为我们通过课程推移赛事
  2. 目标特征,特别是初级目标特征,将鼓励教师全心全意回想和忽略批判思想
  3. OBE计划开发的一部分是创建计算机库,填充数以千计测试项,教职员工可使用这些测试项构建自己的测试鼓励教师使用更标准化多选测试有可能从创用指令中抽取能量

危险深入OBE结构OBE文档微调或虔诚提醒以结果教育为全局流行趋势不会冲刷它们感谢暴风暂时停息, 并准备加深辩论,

David Levine是Shalom中学Milwaukee公立学校英语教师